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277 lines (236 loc) · 9.41 KB

File metadata and controls

277 lines (236 loc) · 9.41 KB

Migration Guide

If you want to update to a new major version of gatsby-source-tmdb, follow the steps below. Please note that once a new major version is out support for the old version has ended (only critical security fixes will be backported).

Migrating from v2 to v3

This major update makes gatsby-source-tmdb compatible with Gatsby 4! With Gatsby 4 some larger underlying changes were made to Gatsby and new features like Deferred Static Generation, Server Side Rendering, and Parallel Query Running were released. In order to support all these new features gatsby-source-tmdb needed to go through some changes. You can find the PR here: #14

If you want to start with a fresh project you can clone gatsby-starter-tmdb.

Updating your dependencies

You need to update your package.json to use the latest version of gatsby-source-tmdb.

  "dependencies": {
    "gatsby-source-tmdb": "^3.0.0"

Update Gatsby packages

This plugin also now requires you to use Gatsby 4 (see Gatsby's migration guide). Update Gatsby and all related packages.

Handle image downloading

In gatsby-source-tmdb v2 you were able to query localFile on any backdrop_path, poster_path etc. field. In v3 of this plugin you'll still be able to do that, but you have to explicitly opt-in to the download of the images now. Under the hood the plugin had to change the lazy-downloading to download everything upfront.

Your easiest solution to restore the old behavior is to set downloadImages: true globally for the plugin:


module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: "gatsby-source-tmdb",
      options: {
        apiKey: process.env.API_KEY,
        sessionID: process.env.SESSION_ID,
+       downloadImages: true,

But please note that this will download all images for every node & endpoint you have. The amount of images and the time it takes to download & process them might be huge. Instead, you better set the option on an individual level for each endpoint where you want to use e.g. gatsby-plugin-image:


module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: "gatsby-source-tmdb",
      options: {
        apiKey: process.env.API_KEY,
        sessionID: process.env.SESSION_ID,
        endpoints: [
            url: "tv/:tv_id",
+           downloadImages: true,
            context: {
              tv_id: "66732"
            searchParams: {
              append_to_response: "videos,similar"

In this setup you'll only be able to use localFile on the specified endpoint and its fields.

Migrating from v1 to v2

The major update from v1 to v2 was a complete overhaul of the plugin (you can find the PR here: #9). The codebase was moved to TS, the implementation of custom API endpoints was redone, and underlying libraries were replaced. Thus some breaking changes were necessary to allow for these new features.

If you want to start with a fresh project you can clone gatsby-starter-tmdb.

Updating your dependencies

You need to update your package.json to use the latest version of gatsby-source-tmdb.

  "dependencies": {
    "gatsby-source-tmdb": "^2.0.0"

Update Gatsby packages

This plugin also now requires you to use Gatsby v3 (see Gatsby's migration guide). Update Gatsby and all related packages.

Updating your gatsby-config.js

v2 features a new endpoints option which will be the biggest change in this update. Below is a comparison between a v1 and v2 config with the differences explained.


module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: 'gatsby-source-tmdb',
      options: {
        apiKey: process.env.API_KEY,
        sessionID: process.env.SESSION_ID,
        language: 'en-US',
        region: 'US',
        timezone: 'Europe/London',
        reqPerTenSeconds: 36,
        poster: true,
        backdrop: false,
        modules: {
          account: {
            activate: true,
            endpoints: {
              tvs: ['accountFavoriteTv'],
              movies: ['accountFavoriteMovies'],
              list: 'accountLists',
          misc: {
            activate: true,
            endpoints: [
              ['miscPopularMovies', 2],
              ['miscTopRatedTvs', 1],
          tv: {
            activate: false,
            endpoints: [['tvAiringToday']],


module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: 'gatsby-source-tmdb',
      options: {
        // <-- SAME OPTIONS BEGIN -->
        // The options apiKey, sessionID, language, region, timezone stay the same
        apiKey: process.env.API_KEY,
        sessionID: process.env.SESSION_ID,
        language: 'en-US',
        region: 'US',
        timezone: 'Europe/London',
        // <-- SAME OPTIONS END -->
        // The options reqPerTenSeconds, poster, and backdrop were removed
        // <-- ENDPOINTS BEGIN -->
        // The nested "modules" option was replaced with a flat array "endpoints" option
        // Where you pass in objects with your individual options
        endpoints: [
            // The name of the endpoint (e.g. "accountFavoriteTv") was replaced with the "url" key.
            // The format is explained here:
            url: `account/:account_id/favorite/tv`,
            // In v1 the plugin automatically fetched more detailed information on specific endpoints
            // In v2 you'll need to explicitly tell the plugin to fetch more information
            // Learn more about the how/why:
            extension: {
              url: `tv/:tv_id`,
            url: `account/:account_id/favorite/movies`,
            extension: {
              url: `movie/:movie_id`,
          // In v1 the plugin also fetched more details for the "items" information of the lists endpoint
          // In v2 you'll need to pass the "extension"
            url: `account/:account_id/lists`,
            extension: {
              url: `list/:list_id`,
          // The module ['miscPopularMovies', 2] meant that 2 pages (20 items each) should be pulled for movie/popular
          // You now can use the "countLimit" option to specify the amount of items
            url: `movie/popular`,
            countLimit: 40,
            url: `tv/top_rated`,
            countLimit: 20,
          // The "tvAiringToday" endpoint is missing here as it had "activate: false" in its options
          // Every endpoint you don't include in "endpoints" won't be activated
        // <-- ENDPOINTS END -->

As you can see some options have stayed, some were removed, and modules was remodeled to endpoints. The endpoints change is certainly the most notable one and will require the most changes. Please see the linked API reference docs to migrate correctly.

Updating your queries

With the updated names for endpoints the root query names will (almost) always change. Inside the query itself mainly the images have changed. In v1 the poster and backdrop options decided whether the original image was downloaded or served as a CDN path. In v2 all available sizes are available in the query and optionally localFile can be used to download the image and use gatsby-plugin-image.


The allTmdbAccountFavoriteTv query gets both the poster_path and backdrop_path. Since (in this example) the poster option was set to true, and backdrop to false they return different shapes.

query {
  allTmdbAccountFavoriteTv {
    nodes {
      poster_path {
        childImageSharp {
          fluid(height: 525, quality: 90) {


You now get every size back and can optionally use localFile to download the image and use with gatsby-plugin-image. Since the id is a reserved field in Gatsby it always needs prefixing. In v1 it was prefixed with the name of the query (e.g. accountFavoriteTvId as seen above) -- in v2 it'll be prefixed with the typePrefix, e.g. tmdbId.

query {
  allTmdbAccountFavoriteTv {
    nodes {
      poster_path {
        localFile {
          childImageSharp {
            gatsbyImageData(quality: 90, width: 525)
      backdrop_path {