title | description |
Setup Jenkins Image With OAUTH |
How To with code steps and code snippets. |
Setup Jenkins image with OAUTH
Step 1:
Deleted ALL the jenkins objects from the config
- Route
- service
- endpoint
- replication controllers
- pvc
- role binding
- service account (Note: Leave the secrets as is)
Via commandline (oc) you can delete most of the objects:
oc describe dc jenkins-pipeline-svc|more (look for the label with template=)
oc get all -l template=<label-id-for-jenkins> -n <namespace>
oc delete all -l template=<label-id-for-jenkins> -n <namespace>
Go to UI and verify all jenkins objects are gone. Remove whats left behind.
Step 2:
Add to project Select Continuous Integration & Deployment Select BC Gov Pathfinder Jenkins (Persistent)
Step 3:
Configure Jenkins
Add env variable JAVA_OPTS value
-XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=512m -Duser.timezone=America/Vancouver -Dhudson.model.DirectoryBrowserSupport.CSP=
to jenkins deployment config MetaSpace increase to support OATH, timezone change to have local dates/times in jenkis logs, directory browser support change to allow jenkins to get style files from outside container (this allows for reports to display nicely) -
In jenkins
- Maven Kubernet node (cpu, memory, namespace)
- Environment Vars (EnvVars) : OPENSHIFT_JENKINS_JVM_ARCH = x86_64
- Requested Mem 1Gi; Limited Mem 4Gi
- Request CPU: 300m; Limit CPU: 500m
- Configure timeouts Build Verification 180 (was 60)
- Re-apply other changes you might have done (like extra env vars, etc)
- Maven Kubernet node (cpu, memory, namespace)