CNCF 一致性认证项目( 可以很方便帮助k8s搭建者和用户确认集群各项功能符合预期,既符合k8s设计标准。
自kubeasz 3.0.0 版本,k8s v1.20.2开始,正式通过cncf一致性认证,成为cncf 官方认证安装工具;后续k8s主要版本发布或者kubeasz有大版本更新,会优先确保通过集群一致性认证。
- v1.31 进行中
- v1.30 已认证
- v1.29 已认证
- v1.28 已认证
- v1.27 已认证
- v1.26 已认证
- v1.25 已认证
- v1.24 已认证
- v1.23 已认证
- v1.22 已认证
- v1.21 已认证
- v1.20 已认证
Provision 3 nodes for your cluster (OS: Ubuntu 20.04)
1 master node (4c16g)
2 worker node (4c16g)
for a High-Availability Kubernetes Cluster, read more
(1) Download 'kubeasz' code, the binaries and offline images
export release=3.2.0
curl -C- -fLO --retry 3${release}/ezdown
chmod +x ./ezdown
./ezdown -D -m standard
(2) install an all-in-one cluster
./ezdown -S
source ~/.bashrc
dk ezctl start-aio
(3) Add two worker nodes
ssh-copy-id ${worker1_ip}
dk ezctl add-node default ${worker1_ip}
ssh-copy-id ${worker2_ip}
dk ezctl add-node default ${worker2_ip}
The standard tool for running these tests is Sonobuoy. Sonobuoy is regularly built and kept up to date to execute against all currently supported versions of kubernetes.
Download a binary release of the CLI
Deploy a Sonobuoy pod to your cluster with:
$ sonobuoy run --plugin-env=e2e.E2E_EXTRA_ARGS="--ginkgo.v" --mode=certified-conformance
NOTE: You can run the command synchronously by adding the flag --wait
but be aware that running the Conformance tests can take an hour or more.
View actively running pods:
$ sonobuoy status
To inspect the logs:
$ sonobuoy logs
Once sonobuoy status
shows the run as completed
, copy the output directory from the main Sonobuoy pod to a local directory:
$ outfile=$(sonobuoy retrieve)
This copies a single .tar.gz
snapshot from the Sonobuoy pod into your local
directory. Extract the contents into ./results
mkdir ./results; tar xzf $outfile -C ./results
NOTE: The two files required for submission are located in the tarball under plugins/e2e/results/{e2e.log,junit.xml}.
To clean up Kubernetes objects created by Sonobuoy, run:
sonobuoy delete