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Akash Vishwakarma akash2v
Founder of

skytup India

Agastya Malunjkar agm024
I am learning C, Python, JavaScript, SQL, JavaScript, PostgreSQL, Flask, Django @CodeFuzeOfficial @GitCorteX @STEM-Mavericks @ShelfTrack

@STEM-Mavericks @CodeFuzeOfficial @ShelfTrack @GitCortex India

Ivan Zamula zamula-soft
Backend Developer (Python, Java, Go)
Moncef dhkouri moncefdhk999
Administrative Conference

all organisation United states

The Architect s0hei1
be diligent like a donkey, be loyal like a dog

Iran ,Tabriz ,Khosroshah

Eduard van Valkenburg eavanvalkenburg
Senior Software Engineer at Microsoft, I work on Semantic Kernel as a day job and AI and home automation on the side!

@Microsoft Netherlands

Sweet Pastry SweetPastry
Student@FudanUniversity doing something interesting.

Fudan University Shanghai, China

Pedro Henrique Souza Meinen pedro-meinen
Scarred Souls Shine Like Stars
Sundram Modanwal sundram0809
I am proficient in C, C++,Python, Generative AI tools like ChatGPT and BlackBox AI along with effective problem solving skills in DSA with C++.
Likhon Sheikh likhonsheikh54
My journey began with a fascination for computer systems.

@v4os Asutin , Texas

李世豪 evewave


Paul Leber LuapRebel

San Francisco Bay Area

Zx Tvb gitaoh
Golden Boy

Zx s.r.o Roysambu, Kenya

Jaiber Diaz Djaiber
Student of System engineering with interest in Data Science, AI issues and Cybersecurity.

Universidad Distrital Fransisco José de Caldas Colombia, Bogotá. D.C

Rishabh Swarankar Rishabh-Script

Cognigix Digital Learning Mumbai

Bruno Lemes Dos Santos brunosantos319
Nextjs | Javascript <> Flutter | Dart Climatempo


Bohemia Softwares Bohemia-Softwares
The official account for all Bohemia Softwares' open source projects. All the Knoex Ecosystem's Source codes up to date.

Bohemia Softwares LLC

👩‍🔬 Energy engineer | Researcher
Rafael Outi Silva rafaelouti
Software Engineer

freelance Candido Mota