These are my notes for setting up a Fedora 26 installation but with a smaller set of packages. It's mainly for my own use but it's out there in case anyone else needs it. It's a fork of but with my own specific modifications.
Download Fedora Server Netinstall ISO and transfer it onto onto a USB-disk.
In the installer under Software Selection, select Minimal Install.
To use sudo
instead of root: once the install starts choose the User Creation dialog (with Make this user administrator checked), don't use the Root Password dialog.
Run these commands to install X, i3 and a terminal.
$ sudo dnf install @base-x i3 i3lock xbindkeys rxvt-unicode bash-completion
$ sudo dnf copr enable vgromov/better_fonts
$ sudo dnf install fontconfig fonts-tweak-tool fira-code-fonts bitstream-vera-sans-fonts dejavu-sans-fonts dejavu-sans-mono-fonts dejavu-serif-fonts fontawesome4-fonts gdouros-symbola-fonts google-droid-sans-fonts google-droid-sans-mono-fonts google-noto-emoji-color-fonts levien-inconsolata-fonts liberation-fonts liberation-fonts-common liberation-mono-fonts liberation-sans-fonts liberation-serif-fonts libfonts terminus-fonts
$ sudo dnf install greybird-dark-theme greybird-light-theme adwaita-gtk2-theme adwaita-cursor-theme adwaita-icon-theme
$ sudo dnf install lxappearance pulseaudio-utils mpg123-plugins-pulseaudio xclip
$ sudo dnf install NetworkManager-wifi NetworkManager-openvpn NetworkManager-openvpn-gnome network-manager-applet
$ sudo dnf install vim vim-X11 git tig mercurial hgview make automake gcc g++ gdb hub patch perf sqlite strace tree whois ShellCheck cronie bison rclone awscli bat v4l-utils bolt
$ sudo dnf install ansible podman buildah htop dmidecode clipit gnome-keyring krb5-workstation tar zip unzip p7zip bzip2 cups pcp-system-tools jq lshw weechat bc rsync mc simple-mtpfs pciutils autofs net-tools rdate usbutils ntfs-3g httpie at bind-utils calibre keepassxc lsof openssl redshift blueman xset
$ sudo dnf install firefox libreoffice evince
$ sudo dnf install virt-manager bridge-utils libvirt virt-install qemu-kvm
$ sudo dnf install$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm
$ sudo dnf install ImageMagick ffmpeg ffmpeg-libs gstreamer1-plugin-openh264 mozilla-openh264 geeqie gimp youtube-dl wireshark nmap mtr unrar mplayer pavucontrol inkscape blender darktable audacity obs-studio cmus gimp
$ sudo dnf install lm_sensors smartmontools google-chrome-stable sysstat stress code fzf gh timew rigrep nodejs
$ sudo dnf copr enable hyperreal/better_fonts
$ sudo dnf install archivo-black-fonts catharsis-cormorant-garamond-fonts courier-prime-fonts eosrei-emojione-fonts twemoji-color-font twitter-twemoji-fonts fontconfig-font-replacements impallari-libre-baskerville-fonts ubuntu-fonts
Follow the steps from to build packages and then install the results.
Build and install
$ git clone ~/workspace/oth/dotfiles
$ ./
Setup xorg as a user service following
$ cat /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config
and updating:
$ cat /etc/systemd/user.conf|grep DefaultEnvironment
Now you're ready to lunch i3 as a user service:
$ systemctl --user enable i3.service
$ systemctl --user enable checkbattery.timer
You need to allow cups to execmem, see
setsebool -P cups_execmem 1