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Setting up Isogenic Engine development environment on Mac Mountain Lion

boxofmattwire edited this page Oct 23, 2012 · 5 revisions


1. Xcode You can install this for free through the Apple App Store. Just open App Store and search for Xcode. Don’t forget to install the developer tools!

2. Terminal If you are not familiar with the Mac terminal, here is a good starting point - Launch the terminal by searching for “terminal” in spotlight or finding it in your Applications folder. You will need the terminal to complete the rest of the steps.

3. Apache, PHP, MySQL

  • Follow this ( guide to install and configure Apache web server, PHP and MySQL
  • Mac OS X is built in Unix and it comes with the capability of quickly setting up a development environment for developing web applications such as Isogenic Engine.
  • Because you’re running apache and node.js locally, you won’t need a VM or other linux server to work on multiplayer games using Isogenic’s game server.
  • (I put ige and my game projects in my Sites directory since it was easier to just use the default dir that apache sets up on Mac.)

4. home brew

5. Node.js and Modules

  • You can install node with home brew but I had some issues with that version so I used the official Node installer -
  • The engine comes bundled with the node modules it needs to run.
  • A useful node module that allows you to start node apps in a wrapper that will automatically restart the node server when you change js files in your project.
    • npm install nodemon -g

6. MongoDB

7. Text editor and IDEs

8. Extras

  • I made a bash script and alias to shortcut running games with the server. bash script: <> nodemon /<path to your ige install directory>/ige/server/ige -g $1

  • alias In order to make my terminal create the alias each time it started, I added the following line to the bottom of my .profile. (or .bashrc) file located in your home directory. If you use zsh, then put it in your .zshrc in your home directory. alias ige="sh $1"

  • Execute in terminal: ige ige/examples/107-three-startup