A reusable action to audit, install, test, and publish homebrew formulas to a tap. This action is tailored to the @LizardByte organization, but can be used by anyone if they follow the same conventions.
See action.yml
The intent here is that the formulas are supplied by the upstream repository, instead of the tap repository. This works better for projects where the build process changes often, and formulas are more difficult to update.
As part of an automated release workflow, this action can be used to audit, install, test and publish the supplied formulas to the tap repository.
Additionally, this action can be used to contribute the formula to an upstream homebrew-core repository, by
creating a pull request to the upstream repository. This feature is disabled by default. To use it you must
fork Homebrew/homebrew-core and provide the homebrew_core_fork_repo
You must also enable the contribute_to_homebrew_core
input. Finally, you can modify the upstream_homebrew_core_repo
to point to a different repository if you are not using the official Homebrew/homebrew-core repository.
- name: Validate and Publish Homebrew Formula
uses: LizardByte/homebrew-release-action@master
formula_file: "${{ github.workspace }}/hello_world.rb"
git_email: ${{ secrets.GIT_EMAIL }}
git_username: ${{ secrets.GIT_USERNAME }}
org_homebrew_repo: repo_owner/repo_name
It's possible to overwrite the defaults by providing additional inputs:
- name: Validate and Publish Homebrew Formula
uses: LizardByte/homebrew-release-action@master
contribute_to_homebrew_core: true
formula_file: "${{ github.workspace }}/hello_world.rb"
git_email: ${{ secrets.GIT_EMAIL }}
git_username: ${{ secrets.GIT_USERNAME }}
homebrew_core_fork_repo: repo_owner/homebrew-core
org_homebrew_repo: repo_owner/repo_name
org_homebrew_repo_branch: master
publish: true # you probably want to use some conditional logic here
token: ${{ secrets.PAT }} # required to publish
upstream_homebrew_core_repo: Homebrew/homebrew-core
validate: false # skip the audit and install steps
Warning: This action is only compatible with Linux and macOS runners, and will intentionally fail on Windows runners.
Note: If you have a formula that is sensitive to the runner's OS version, you may wish to use a matrix strategy to run the action. In this case you probably only want to run the publish on one of them. Below is an example.
fail-fast: false # false to test all, true to fail entire job if any fail
# https://docs.github.com/en/actions/using-github-hosted-runners/about-github-hosted-runners/about-github-hosted-runners#standard-github-hosted-runners-for-public-repositories
# while GitHub has larger macOS runners, they are not available for our repos :(
- os: macos-13
- os: macos-14
- os: ubuntu-latest
publish: true
name: Homebrew (${{ matrix.os }})
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Generate Formula
shell: bash
run: |
# whatever you need to do to generate the formula
- name: Validate and Publish Homebrew Formula
uses: LizardByte/homebrew-release-action@master
formula_file: "${{ github.workspace }}/build/hello_world.rb"
git_email: ${{ secrets.GIT_EMAIL }}
git_username: ${{ secrets.GIT_USERNAME }}
org_homebrew_repo: repo_owner/repo_name
org_homebrew_repo_branch: main
publish: ${{ matrix.publish }}
token: ${{ secrets.PAT }}