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This environment has been created for the sole purpose of providing an easy to deploy and consume Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 4 environment as a sandpit.

This install will create a “Minimal Viable Setup”, which anyone can extend to their needs and purposes.

Recent tests show that SSD storage on the server might be required for any persistent deployment to work correctly.

Use it at your own pleasure and risk!

Release notes

Release notes


If you want to provide additional features, please feel free to contribute via pull requests or any other means.

We are happy to track and discuss ideas, topics and requests via Issues.

Install Instructions

Our instructions are based on the CentOS Root Server as provided by Hetzner, please feel free to adapt it to the needs of your preferred hosting provider. We are happy to get pull requests for an updated documentation, which makes consuming this setup easy also for other hosting providers.

These instructions are for running CentOS and 'root' machines which are set up following the Hetzner CentOS documentation. You might have to modify commands if running on another Linux distro. Feel free to provide instructions for alternative providers.

NOTE: If you are running on other environments than bare metal servers from Hetzner, check if there is specific instruction under Infra providers list and then jump to section Initialize tools

Supported root server operating systems:

Infra providers

When following the steps below, you will end with a setup similar to this:

Strongly recommended: configure Hetzner Firewall

Important: Hetzner Firewall only support IPv4 - IPv6 must be solved via the host firewall(d)!

Here is an example Hetzner Firewall configuration:

Name Source IP Destination IP Source port Destination port Protocol TCP flags Action
ssh 22 tcp accept
api+ingress 80,443,6443 tcp accept
icmp icmp accept
outgoing connections 32768-65535 tcp ack accept

In case of Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Subscribe your RHEL host:

subscription-manager register

# get pool id via:
# subscription-manager list --available
subscription-manager attach [--auto] --pool=...

subscription-manager repos --disable=*

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8

subscription-manager repos \
    --enable=rhel-8-for-x86_64-baseos-rpms \
    --enable=rhel-8-for-x86_64-appstream-rpms \
    --enable=rhel-8-for-x86_64-highavailability-rpms \

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9

subscription-manager repos \
    --enable=rhel-9-for-x86_64-baseos-rpms \
    --enable=rhel-9-for-x86_64-appstream-rpms \
    --enable=rhel-9-for-x86_64-highavailability-rpms \
dnf install -y ansible-navigator git podman

In case of Rocky Linux 8 or Centos 8

Ansible navigator installation based on the upstream documentation.

dnf install -y python3-pip podman git
python3 -m pip install ansible-navigator --user
echo 'export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.profile
source ~/.profile

Initialize tools

cat ~/.ssh/*.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

You are now ready to clone this project to your CentOS system.

git clone

We are now ready to install libvirt as our hypervisor, provision VMs and prepare those for OCP.

Define variables for your cluster

Here is an example of a cluster.yml file that contains information about the cluster that is going to be installed. The parameters that can be configured are as follows:

variable description Default
cluster_name Name of the cluster to be installed Required
dns_provider DNS provider, value can be route53, cloudflare, gcp, azure,transip, hetzner, gandi or none. Check Setup public DNS records for more info. Required
image_pull_secret Token to be used to authenticate to the Red Hat image registry. You can download your pull secret from Required
letsencrypt_account_email Email address that is used to create LetsEncrypt certs. If cloudflare_account_email is not present for CloudFlare DNS records, letsencrypt_account_email is also used with CloudFlare DNS account email Required
public_domain Root domain that will be used for your cluster. Required
ip_families Decide whether you want IPv4, IPv6 or dual-stack. ['IPv4']
listen_address Listen address for the load balancer on your host system. hostvars['localhost']['ansible_default_ipv4']['address']
listen_address_ipv6 Same as listen_address but for IPv6 hostvars['localhost']['ansible_default_ipv6']['address']
public_ip Optional to overwrite public IP, if it is different from listen_address. Used for dns records at your dns_provider. listen_address
public_ipv6 Same as public_ip but for IPv6 listen_address_ipv6
masters_schedulable Optional to overwrite masters schedulable false
sdn_plugin_name Optional to change the SDN plugin between OVNKubernetes or OpenShiftSDN OVNKubernetes

Cluster design (single node, compact or normal)

It is possible to install three different types of cluster designs: single node, compact or normal.

Single Node

Recommended cluster.yml settings:

master_count: 1
compute_count: 0
masters_schedulable: true # is default
# It's recommended to increase the master capacity too
# master_vcpu: 4
# master_memory_size: 16384
# master_memory_unit: 'MiB'
# master_root_disk_size: '120G'


Recommended cluster.yml settings:

master_count: 3
compute_count: 0
masters_schedulable: true # is default


Recommended cluster.yml settings:

master_count: 3
compute_count: 2 # at least 2 recommended
masters_schedulable: false


Read this if you want to deploy pre releases

Set up public DNS records

Current tools allow use of three DNS providers: AWS Route53, Cloudflare, DigitalOcean, GCP DNS or none. If you want to use Route53, Cloudflare, DigitalOcean, GCP or Gandi as your DNS provider, you have to add a few variables. Check the instructions below.

DNS records are constructed based on cluster_name and public_domain values. With above values DNS records should be

  • api.cluster_name.public_domain
  • *.apps.cluster_name.public_domain

If you use another DNS provider, feel free to contribute! 😀

With dns_provider: none the playbooks will not create public dns entries. (It will skip letsencrypt too) Please create public dns entries if you want to access your cluster.

Please configure in cluster.yml all necessary credentials:

DNS provider Variables
Azure azure_client_id: 'client_id'
azure_secret: 'key'
azure_subscription_id: 'subscription_id'
azure_tenant: 'tenant_id'
azure_resource_group: 'dns_zone_resource_group'
CloudFlare cloudflare_account_email: [email protected]
Use the global api key here! (API-Token is not supported!) (Details in #86)
cloudflare_account_api_token: 9348234sdsd894.....
cloudflare_zone: domain.tld
DigitalOcean digitalocean_token: e7a6f82c3245b65cf4.....
digitalocean_zone: domain.tld
Gandi gandi_account_api_token: 0123456...
gandi_zone: domain.tld
GCP gcp_project: project-name
gcp_managed_zone_name: 'zone-name'
gcp_managed_zone_domain: ''
gcp_serviceaccount_file: ../gcp_service_account.json
Hetzner hetzner_account_api_token: 93543ade82AA$73.....
hetzner_zone: domain.tld
Route53 / AWS aws_access_key: key
aws_secret_key: secret
aws_zone: domain.tld
TransIP transip_token: eyJ0eXAiOiJKV....
transip_zone: domain.tld
none With dns_provider: none the playbooks will not create public dns entries. (It will skip letsencrypt too) Please create public dns entries if you want to access your cluster.

Optional configuration

Variable Default Description
storage_nfs false Set up a local NFS server, create a Storage Class (with nfs-subdir-external-provisioner ) pointing to it, and use that StorageClass for the internal Registry Storage
vm_autostart false Create cluster VMs with autostart enabled
vm_storage_backend qcow2 You can choose between default qcow2 and lvm as storage backend.
vm_storage_backend_location empty Important for vm_storage_backend lvm, please add the volume group for example vg0
auth_redhatsso empty Install Red Hat SSO, checkout cluster-example.yml for an example
auth_htpasswd empty Install htpasswd, checkout cluster-example.yml for an example
auth_github empty Install GitHub IDP, checkout cluster-example.yml for an example
cluster_role_bindings empty Set up cluster role binding, checkout cluster-example.yml for an example
openshift_install_command check defaults Important for air-gapped installation. checkout docs/
install_config_additionalTrustBundle empty Important for air-gapped installation. checkout docs/
install_config_imageContentSources empty Important for air-gapped installation. checkout docs/
letsencrypt_disabled false This allows you to disable letsencrypt setup. (Default is enabled letsencrypt.)
sdn_plugin_name OVNKubernetes This allows you to change SDN plugin. Valid values are OpenShiftSDN and OVNKubernetes. (Default is OVNKubernetes.)
masters_schedulable true Set to false if don't want to allow workload onto the master nodes. (Default is to allow this)
install_config_capabilities null Configure Cluster capabilities
fips false Enable FIPS mode on the OpenShift cluster (Default is false)

Prepare kvm-host and install OpenShift

cd hetzner-ocp4
ansible-navigator run ansible/setup.yml

When using an Ansible-vault containing sensitive configuration data:

% ansible-vault create ansible/group_vars/all/my-vault.yml
% touch ~/.vault-password && chmod 0600 ~/.vault-password
% vi ~/.vault-password   # enter password as plain-text
% export ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE=~/.vault-password
% ansible-navigator run ansible/setup.yml

Please note that group_vars and host_vars will have to reside in the directory of the playbook to be run. In our setup, this will be ansible/group_vars and ansible/host_vars.

Additional documentation

Playbook overview

Playbook Description
ansible/00-provision-hetzner.yml Automated operating system of your Hetzner bare-metal server. detail documentation: docs/
ansible/01-prepare-host.yml Install all dependencies like kvm & co on your Hetzner bare-metal server.
ansible/02-create-cluster.yml Installation of your OpenShift 4 Cluster
ansible/03-stop-cluster.yml Stop all virtual machines related to your OpenShift 4 Cluster
ansible/04-start-cluster.yml Start all virtual machines related to your OpenShift 4 Cluster
ansible/99-destroy-cluster.yml Delete everything what is created via ansible/02-create-cluster.yml
ansible/renewal-certificate.yml Renewal your Let's encrypt certificate and replace everything in your OpenShift 4 Cluster. There is no automatically renew process, please run renew on your own behalf.
ansible/run-add-ons.yml Run all enabled add-ons agains your OpenShift 4 cluster
ansible/setup.yml One shot cluster installation, including operating system installation and configuration of your Hetzner bare-metal server.

Useful commands

Problem Command
Check haproxy connections podman exec -ti openshift-4-loadbalancer-${cluster_name} ./
Start cluster after reboot ansible-navigator run -m stdout ./ansible/04-start-cluster.yml

Build / Development

Build ansible execution enviorment

VERSION=$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M)

ansible-builder build \
    --verbosity 3 \
    --container-runtime podman \

podman push$VERSION

Stargazers over time

Stargazers over time