- good stuff
My personal solution is a local, docker-based CI/CD Build Environment ready in a few minutes to offer you a reade-to-use convenience playground with
- Jenkins
- open-jdk
- maven
- ansible
- docker
- Gitlab
- and a docker based gitlab-runner registrated
- secured docker-registry ready (openssh certificate)
- push with ssh available at port 2222
- Nexus 3
- Sonar
- Postgres (used by Sonar and YOUR applications)
- Standard Docker-Registry V2 with a simple UI
- Portainer to check your setup
so you can be your own local "DevOp"; nearly every category of periodic table of devoptools has one tool in your local setup.
- At least 8GB Memory with 3GB Swap and 10GB Disk-Space, 16GB ist recommended
- docker version >= 17.06.0
- docker-compose version >= 1.15.0
Port | Why |
80 | NGINX, forwards requests to internal docker-containers |
5432 | postgres standard connection port |
2222 | ssh port of gitlab, used to push via ssh connection ssh://git@myHOST:2222/scott/foo.git |
5555 | Gitlab docker-registry secured with GitLab credentials |
5000 | Standard Docker-Registry v2 not secured |
If your change the ports in the docker-compose.yml change them also in nginx-reverse/nginx.conf (stream {...} )
The ./setupEnvironment.sh
- configures your settings and generates a .env File used by docker-compose
- copies some configuration File to your local directory
- Donloads all the Jenkins-Plugins to jenkins-fat/Plugins directory to save time.
- generates ssl-keys and certificates to use with git clone and the docker registry
Bring up your own DevOp Playground ... just do a
git clone https://github.com/Springjunky/docker-local-build-environment.git
cd docker-local-build-environment
sudo ./setupEnvironment.sh
docker-compose up --build
starts 9 container
git clone https://github.com/Springjunky/docker-local-build-environment.git
cd docker-local-build-environment
sudo ./setupEnvironment.sh
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose-sonar.yml up --build
starts 10 container
open your favorite browser (not at localhost, use the $(hostname)/jenkins ) to prevent jenkins spit out "your reverse proxy is wrong")
Now you are ready to go with a little CI/CD Environment:
Jenkins http://<your-host-name>/jenkins
Nexus http://<your-host-name>/nexus
Gitlab http://<your-host-name>/gitlab
Sonar http://<your-host-name>/sonar
Portainer http://<your-host-name>/portainer
Docker-Registry-Ui: http://<your-host-name>/regweb
Postgres: At standard listenport 5432 for your jdbc-connection-string
stream-passthrough to postgres-container.
... not really, its all http .. don't worry about it! It's only local communication
See Readme in folder security-paranoia if you want to have some hints how to configure your firewall.
Image | User | Password |
Jenkins | admin | admin |
Nexus | admin | admin123 |
Gitlab | root | gitlab4me |
Sonar | admin | admin |
Postgres | postgres | admin |
There are some configurations you have to do after setup. Remember: At every time use your real hostname and NOT localhost (locahost inside a container is the container itself).
For example: If you configure a GitLab-Connection in Jenkins, you will reach Gitlab at http://<your host>/gitlab and not http://localhost/gitlab
- MAVEN_HOME is /opt/maven
- JAVA_HOME is /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64
- the docker-registry from GitLab is at port 5555 (and secured with an openssl certificate ..thats part of setupEnvironment.sh), just create a project in gitlab and click at the registry tab to show how to login to the project registry and how to tag your images and upload them.
- ssh cloning and pushing is at port 2222 (ssh://git@myHOST:2222/scott/foo.git remeber to upload your public key before, should be ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub )
- http cloning and pushing is only http NOT https
The runner is a gitlab-multirunner image with a docker-runner (concurrent=1) , based on gitlab/gitlab-runner at every startup any runner is removed and only ONE new runner is registrated to avoid multiple runners (the pipeline-history maybe lost.) setups with a shell-runner works, docker-in-docker (docker:dind) or docker based builds should cause trouble because the default DNS-Server of a docker-container ist (google) see this link extra_host for servce for a possible workaround
It takes a long time until gitlab is ready to accept a runner registration, if it fails, increase the REGISTER_TRYS in docker-compse.yml
Gitlab is very very fast with new releases and sometimes the api has breaking changes. If something does not work take a look at the Jenkins Bugtracker.
You need to install some rules (Administration - System - Update Center - Available - Search: Java)
You can use any tool to connect to the database at localhost:5432 this is a pass through to the container so any JDBC-Connection should work
- NEXUS-Docker-Registry ist NOT configured .. needs a pass trough and some more configs, see Unsecure docker-registry in Nexus feel free to provide a push-request
- GitLab docker-registry is at port 5555 you have to use your GitLab Credentials from the corresponding git-respository
- standard Docker-Registry v2 ist at standard port 5000 with no credentials, so eays-to-use
In most cases a wrong HOSTNAME:HOSTIP causes trouble, to check this try the following.
- log into the jenkins-fat container (with id)
docker container ls
docker container exec -it jenkins-fat bash
chmod a+rw /tmp
apt-get update
apt-get install -y --allow-unauthenticated iputils-ping
ping jenkins
ping gitlab
ping <your local hostname>
every ping must work, if not, check the .env file, is there the correct DC_HOSTNAME / DC_HOSTIP ?
If you change your network (switching between home/office/lan/wifi) your ip-address could be change and the container is not able to resolve your host any more Check the .env file or just run the setup-Script again.
with an amount lower than 8GB sonar and embedded eleastic search did not startup and no message is displayed
To delete everything an start from scratch (own risk, you will lost all your setting projects and data)
- WARNING: this will delete EVERY docker-Images and container and ALL your docker-data !!!
# switch to your home directory
# delete ALL YOUR Settings and data !!!!!
sudo rm -rf devstack-data/
# delete all downloaded images
docker rmi -f $(docker images -aq)
# delete all startet container
docker container stop $(docker container ls -aq)
docker container prune
# delete docker-container volumes
docker volume prune
# delete docker-networks
docker network rm dockerlocalbuildenvironment_default dockerlocalbuildenvironment_devstacknetwork
- give you some more preconfiguration
install dockerinstall docker-composeinstall ansibleapply a gitlab runnerapply git-lfsapply sonarapply keycloakapply a better registry