This Project takes two Github profiles and compare them on various stats which are stated by the deveoper to code base of this Repository.
First clone the repository into your machine
git clone
Followed by installing required npm packages
npm install
Make sure you have latest version of Node and TypeScript installed in your System Locally
Finally run the following command to run on your localhost
npm run dev
Giving types to my enviorment variables (env) for type safety using the vite-env.d.ts file from src in VITE
The vite-env.d.ts file looks like this for variable VITE_API
// src/vite-env.d.ts or vite-env.d.ts in the root (both work)
/// <reference types="vite/client" />
interface ImportMetaEnv {
readonly: string; // Declare VITE_API as a string type
interface ImportMeta {
readonly VITE_API: string;
The env variables can be used using import.meta.env.VITE_API
Also in Vite we don't need dotenv package, Vite handles that itself and env variables should always start with VITE_ thats a convention