Scripts for Sprinkle, the provisioning tool
Watch the demo screen cast of passenger-stack.
- enable the use of rpm (yuck!) or yum or maybe even macports
- make it easy (if it's not already!) to use an arbitrary alternate SSH port (22 makes attacks more likely!)
- Get a brand spanking new slice / host (Ubuntu please)
- Create yourself a user, add yourself to the /etc/sudoers file
- Set your slices url / ip address in deploy.rb (config/deploy.rb.example provided)
- Set username in config/deploy.rb if it isn't the same as your local machine (config/deploy.rb.example provided)
From your local system (from the passenger-stack directory), run:
sprinkle -c -s config/install.rb
After you've waited for everything to run, you should have a provisioned slice. Go forth and install your custom configurations, add vhosts and other VPS paraphernalia.
Other things you should probably consider:
- Close everything except for port 80 and 22
- Disallow password logins and use a passphrased RSA key
Read these tips to get you humming
- Apache (Apt)
- Ruby Enterprise (Source) [includes rubygems]
- Passenger (Rubygem)
- Memcached (Apt)
- Libmemcached (Source)
- MySQL (Apt) or PostgreSQL (Apt)
- MySQL or PostgreSQL ruby database drivers (Rubygem)
- Git (Apt)
- Ruby
- Capistrano
- Sprinkle (
- An Ubuntu based VPS (known to not work on Debian Etch†)
- Marcus Crafter and other Sprinkle contributors
- Slicehost, for giving a free slice for testing passenger stack
- Nathan de Vries for Postgres support
- Anthony Kolber for the github pages design
- Stephen Eley for some sanity checks on git dependencies
Don't run this on a system that has already been deemed "in production", its not malicious, but there is a fair chance that you'll ass something up monumentally. You have been warned.
† This issue lies between differences in apt between debian and ubuntu, my feedback has been forwarded and discussed with Marcus, the author of sprinkle. I believe he is looking into it.