Kube OpenID Connect is an application that can be used to easily enable authentication flows via OIDC for a kubernetes cluster. Kubernetes supports OpenID Connect Tokens as a way to identify users who access the cluster. Kube OpenID Connect helps users with it's kubectl
plugin to authenticate and get kubectl
Kube OpenID Connect has two main component the server an the kubectl plugin
. The server is written in python and the kubectl plugin
in go for easier multi architecture build. When you want to login to a Kubernetes cluster you just simply use the kubectl login
command to connect to the server component. It will open the OpenID authentication page in you browser. After you successfully logged in the server based on yout JWT token
generates a kubectl config
and push back to your kubectl plugin
, that writes it to your config.
To ease deployment I created a helm chart for kube-openid-connect.
helm repo add devopstales https://devopstales.github.io/helm-charts
helm repo update
kubectl create ns kubeauth
kubens kubeauth
helm upgrade --install kubelogin devopstales/kube-openid-connect -f values.yaml
# Homebrew (macOS and Linux)
brew tap devopstales/devopstales
brew install kubectl-login
# Main Krew with differente name (macOS, Linux, Windows and ARM)
kubectl krew install dtlogin
# My krew repo (macOS, Linux, Windows and ARM)
kubectl krew index add devopstales https://github.com/devopstales/krew
kubectl krew install devopstales/login
# My krew repo (macOS, Linux, Windows and ARM)
kubectl krew index add devopstales https://github.com/devopstales/krew
kubectl krew install devopstales/login
# Chocolatey (Windows)
choco install kubectl-login
# Binary release (Windows, macOS and Linux)
Point the url to the ingress of the server component:
$ kubectl login https://kubeauth.k8s.intra
Configfile created with config for productioncluster to ~/.kube/config
# OR If you installed from main Krew
kubectl dtlogin https://kubeauth.k8s.intra
Happy Kubernetes interaction!
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
pyinstaller --onefile --noconfirm --noconsole --clean --log-level=WARN --key=MySuperSecretPassword --strip kubectl-login.py