The Interbank Corporate Banking (<>), the Italian CBI, is a telematic banking service allowing firms of all sizes to work directly, through their computer, with all the banks they have relations with.
The CBI standards, defined by the Consortium, are aimed at a comprehensive definition of Functions able to utterly satisfy Business requirements of both Enterprises and Banks
pip install
The CBI module helps handling CBI records, letting you to write data within the records or read data from the records
Example reading record:
$ python
>>> from cbi import wrapper
>>> r = wrapper.Record(' IM0123401234230311MIO NOME E ')
>>> r['data_creazione']
>>> r['nome_supporto']
>>> r['tipo_record']
Example writing record:
>>> r = wrapper.Record('IM')
>>> r['data_creazione'] = '300311'
>>> r['nome_supporto'] = 'MIO NOME BLA BLA BLA'
>>> r['codice_divisa'] = 'E'
>>> str(r)
It is also possible to read/write by position:
>>> r[14:19]
Moreover, it is possibile to read the whole flow (file):
>>> wrapper.FLOWTYPE = 'MAV'
>>> flow = wrapper.Flow()
>>> fileobj = open('../samples/MAV.txt')
>>> flow.readfile(fileobj)
>>> for disposal in flow.disposals:
... print ('Codice: ' + disposal['51']['numero_disposizione']
... + ' - importo: ' + str(float(disposal['14']['importo']) * 0.01)
... + ' - Data: ' + disposal['14']['data_pagamento'])
Codice: 1234 - importo: 145.0 - Data: 280209
Codice: 3059 - importo: 145.0 - Data: 280209
Codice: 18048 - importo: 160.0 - Data: 280211
Every flow is composed by N disposals and every disposal by N records.
If you want to create your own CBI file you can build the flow and write it to file:
>>> flow = wrapper.Flow()
>>> flow.header = wrapper.Record('IM')
>>> flow.footer = wrapper.Record('EF')
>>> flow.header['data_creazione'] = '130411'
>>> flow.header['nome_supporto'] = 'eLBati'
>>> first_disposal = wrapper.Disposal()
>>> first_record = wrapper.Record('14')
>>> first_record['data_pagamento'] = '180611'
>>> first_record['importo'] = '0000000014500'
>>> first_disposal.records.append(first_record)
>>> flow.disposals.append(first_disposal)
>>> flow.writefile('MY_PATH/MY_FILE.txt')
This will create a definitely incomplete CBI file :-) but this shows how it works.