This Addon needs to be installed in the local maven repository before used in the backend.
mvn clean install
First make sure you have connected to an OpenShift cluster so that you can do things like
oc get pod
You can now try out this addon in the Forge CLI as follows:
git clone
cd fabric8-generator
mvn install
download the latest distribution JBoss Forge
add the
command to your$PATH
you could trash your
folder to remove any old addons -
install the addon into forge via:
addon-install --coordinate io.fabric8.forge:fabric8-generator,1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
you can now rebuild the addon and forge will reload it on the fly!
setup your git repository credentials in a Secret in kubernetes/openshift (only required once per cluster)
fabric8-configure-git-account --git-provider github --git-user-name MYUSER --git-password MY_TOKEN --git-email MY_EMAIL
if you are not running a jenkins service in your current openshift namespace you will need to disable the CI part by adding the following argument when you create a project:
--add-ci-web-hooks false
now to create a project type the following then hit
obsidian-new-quickstart --named demo131 --type rest_springboot-tomcat
Then hit return and enjoy the ride!!!
If you are running a jenkins service in your current openshift namespace which has the github organisation folder plugin installed like the fabric8 image you should be able to import one or more repositories from your github account or any other organisation via the following command:
fabric8-import-git --git-repository-pattern myprojectname
This command will create a pipeline for all matching repositories and all branches with a Jenkinsfile!
To import all projects use the pattern: .*
fabric8-import-git --git-repository-pattern ".*"
To debug your local build of the forge addons exit forge then re-run it via:
forge --debug
You can then create a Remote
Debug execution in your IDE to connect to the same debug port that Forge uses (5005 or 8000 etc) and then start debugging!