and gprestore
are Go utilities for performing Greenplum Database backups. They are still currently in active development.
The project requires the Go Programming language version 1.11 or higher. Follow the directions here for installation, usage and configuration instructions.
The project also has a dependency on sqlite3
. This is installed by default on many platforms, but you must install it on your system if it is not present.
go get
This will place the code in $GOPATH/
Make the gpbackup
directory your current working directory and run:
make depend
make build
The build
target will put the gpbackup
and gprestore
binaries in $HOME/go/bin
This will also attempt to copy gpbackup_helper
to the greenplum segments (retrieving hostnames from gp_segment_configuration
). Pay attention to the output as it will indicate whether this operation was successful.
make build_linux
is for cross compiling on macOS, and the target is Linux.
make install
will scp the gpbackup_helper
binary (used with -single-data-file flag) to all hosts
Required for Greenplum Database 6 or higher, several tests require the dummy_seclabel
Greenplum contrib module. This module exists only to support regression testing of the SECURITY LABEL statement. It is not intended to be used in production. Use the following commands to install the module.
pushd $(find ~/workspace/gpdb -name dummy_seclabel)
make install
gpconfig -c shared_preload_libraries -v dummy_seclabel
gpstop -ra
gpconfig -s shared_preload_libraries | grep dummy_seclabel
NOTE: The integration and end_to_end tests require a running Greenplum Database instance.
To run all tests except end-to-end (linters, unit, and integration), use
make test
To run only unit tests, use
make unit
To run only integration tests
make integration
Integration test requirements
- Running GPDB instance
- GPDB's gpcloud extension
make -C gpcontrib/gpcloud/ install
- GPDB configured with
To run end to end tests (requires a running GPDB instance), use
make end_to_end
We provide the following targets to help developers ensure their code fits Go standard formatting guidelines.
To run a linting tool that checks for basic coding errors, use
make lint
This target runs gometalinter.
Note: The lint target will fail if code is not formatted properly.
To automatically format your code and add/remove imports, use
make format
This target runs goimports and gofmt.
We will only accept code that has been formatted using this target or an equivalent gofmt
The basic command for gpbackup is
gpbackup --dbname <your_db_name>
The basic command for gprestore is
gprestore --timestamp <YYYYMMDDHHMMSS>
Run --help
with either command for a complete list of options.
To remove the compiled binaries and other generated files, run
make clean
The Greenplum Backup wiki for this project has several articles providing a more in-depth explanation of certain aspects of gpbackup and gprestore.
See file.
We use goimports
to format go code. See
The following command formats the gpbackup codebase excluding the vendor directory and also lists the files updated.
goimports -w -l $(find . -type f -name '*.go' -not -path "./vendor/*")
If you see errors in many integration tests (below), review the Validation and code quality [Test setup](#Test setup) section above:
SECURITY LABEL FOR dummy ON TYPE public.testtype IS 'unclassified';
<pgx.PgError>: {
Severity: "ERROR",
Code: "22023",
Message: "security label provider \"dummy\" is not loaded",
If you see errors indicating the test_tablespace
tablespace already
exists (below), execute psql postgres -c 'DROP TABLESPACE test_tablespace'
to cleanup the environment and rerun the tests.
CREATE TABLESPACE test_tablespace LOCATION '/tmp/test_dir'
<pgx.PgError>: {
Severity: "ERROR",
Code: "42710",
Message: "tablespace \"test_tablespace\" already exists",