Lens Platform Client SDK
Use SDK in Lens extension:
import http from "http";
import https from "https";
import { LensPlatformClient } from "lens-platform-sdk";
import { Component } from "@k8slens/extensions";
// axios is used by lens-platform-sdk
import axios from "axios";
// Use NodeJS HTTP adapter to get around CORS issues
// This is not neded if httpAdapter: true is used.
axios.defaults.adapter = axios.getAdapter("http");
const lensPlatformClient = new LensPlatformClient({
accessToken: "", // the access token for apis
getAccessToken: () => Promise.resolve("<token>"), // the callback to be called before every request, useful if the access token needs to be renew often.
keyCloakAddress: "", // keycloak address, e.g. "https://keycloak.k8slens.dev"
keycloakRealm: "", // the realm name, e.g. "lensCloud"
apiEndpointAddress: "", // api endpoint address, e.g. "https://api.k8slens.dev"
httpAdapter: false // Optional, defaults to false. If true, the axios HTTP adapter is used instead of xhr
logLevel: "debug" // Optional, defaults to 'silent'. Options are 'silent' | 'debug' | 'error'
httpAgent: new http.Agent() // Optional, your own instance of HTTP agent.
httpsAgent: new https.Agent() // Optional, your own instance of HTTPS agent.
The SDK uses axios internally for HTTP(s) requests.
npm run lint
You will need to change the Axios HTTP adapter to use Node to get around CORS issues:
// Set in LensPlatformClient options:
httpAdapter: true
If webpack is used, you also need to prevent webpack from using the "browser" property of package.json of axios, which would override http adapter resolving to use the xhr. xhr could cause CORS issues.
resolve: {
// ...
aliasFields: []
You should enable ts support in you editor with type-checking.
Or type-checking from CLI
npm run check:type
The "all-in-one" test script would run linter, type-checking, and unit tests in parallel.
npm run test
You can also run unit tests only
npm run test:unit [-- --watch]
which is just a shortcut for npx jest [--watch]
We use tsdoc
https://github.com/microsoft/tsdoc for inline doc comments.
Copyright (c) 2021 Mirantis, Inc.
Licensed under the MIT license. https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT