This is a web tool for Kafka Connect for setting up and managing connectors for multiple connect clusters.
docker run --rm -it -p 8000:8000 \
-e "CONNECT_URL=http://connect.distributed.url" \
The CONNECT_URL can be a comma separated array of Connect worker endpoints. E.g: CONNECT_URL=http://connect.1.url,http://connect.2.url"
Additionally you can assign custom names to your Connect clusters by appending a semicolon and the cluster name after the endpoint URL. E.g:
"CONNECT_URL=http://connect.1.url;dev cluster,http://connect.2.url;production cluster"
Web UI will be available at localhost:8000
git clone
cd kafka-connect-ui
npm install -g bower http-server
npm install
http-server -p 8080 .
Web UI will be available at localhost:8080
If you use nginx
to serve this ui, let angular manage routing with
location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html =404;
root /folder-with-kafka-connect-ui/;
Use multiple Kafka Connect clusters in env.js
var clusters = [
NAME:"prod", //unique name is required
KAFKA_CONNECT: "", //required
KAFKA_TOPICS_UI: "http://kafka-topics-ui.url", //optional
KAFKA_TOPICS_UI_ENABLED: true //optional
COLOR: "#141414" //optional
KAFKA_CONNECT: "http://kafka-connect.local.url",
- Use
to navigate to the relevant topic when you have kafka-topics-ui installed. - Use
to set different header colors for each set up cluster.
For our 25+ stream-reactor Kafka Connectors we have a template of metadata within the supported-connectors.js
. In any case you will be shown all the existing connectors in your classpath with all the required fields to set them up.
The project is licensed under the BSL license.
- schema-registry-ui, View, create, evolve and manage your Avro Schemas on your Kafka cluster
- kafka-topics-ui, UI to browse Kafka data and work with Kafka Topics
- fast-data-dev, Docker for Kafka developers (schema-registry,kafka-rest,zoo,brokers,landoop)
- Landoop-On-Cloudera, Install and manage your kafka streaming-platform on you Cloudera CDH cluster