Pyggi is a lightweight git frontend
- README markdown on front-page
- easy setup and configuration
- full WSGI compliance (flask)
- an easy-on-the-eyes UI
- Flask >= 0.7
- GitPython == 0.3git
The current version of GitPython on PyPi does not contain a needed patch for displaying blame information. The setup script will resolve the dependency by downloading the package from github. We are currently using the 0.3 branch, although the master branch might also work but is untested.
- Markdown >= 2.0.3
- docutils >= 0.7
- python-memcached >= 1.47
You only need these packages if you want README files in repositories be formatted using these libraries.
You can install all dependencies by executing
python install
to let the setuptools resolve them all.
Pyggi is fully WSGI compliant and can thus be easily integrated in your server infrastructure. Below is a sample configuration for Apache using mod_wsgi.
<VirtualHost *>
WSGIDaemonProcess pyggi user=git group=git threads=5
WSGIScriptAlias / /var/www/pyggi/pyggi.wsgi
<Directory /var/www/pyggi>
WSGIProcessGroup pyggi
WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
In addition you might have to change the git repository directory in "config.cfg" by setting the correct value for 'git__repositories'.
That's it. There's nothing more to do.
pyggi is licensed under the BSD License. See LICENSE for more information.
The icons used are famfamfam silk, which are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License