A simple and silly application to be used in an Openshift/Minishift demo, in progressive stages:
Stage 1 : The native Docker way
Stage 2 : Build Docker images that can run in Openshift (uid constraints)
Stage 3 : Add YAML Manifest files, and use them
Stage 4 : Add a second (consumer) application, and exploit a base image
Stage 5 : Add some health check on containers
Stage 6 : POC of manifest templating against different profiles (e.g. local vs live) exploiting jinja2-cli
Stage 7 : POC of autoscaling features (requires metrics to be enabled)
Stage 7a : A bit overcomplicated POC of autoscaling features (keeps current number of running replicas)
Stage 8 : Introduce ConfigMap/Secret usage (although just updating them does NOT trigger a rolling update)