Wrap RocksDB inside a server talks like the REDIS.
For now, I am using tecbot/gorocksdb Go wrapper for RocksDB which needs his fork of RocksDB.
- RocksDB: github.com/tecbot/rocksdb
- RocksDB Go Wrapper: github.com/tecbot/gorocksdb
- go get code.google.com/p/gcfg
Support commands:
- Keys: del, type, exists, keys
- Strings: getset, get, set, mget, mset, append, incr, incrby, decr, decrby
- Lists: lpush, rpush, lpop, rpop, lrange, lindex, llen, ltrim
- Hashes: hset, hget, hgetall, hexists, hdel, hkeys, hvals, hlen, hmget, hmset
- Sets : sadd, srem, smembers, scard, sismember
Please refer to rockdis.conf for example.
$ go run *.go -conf=rockdis.conf
Then, you can just use the redis-cli command line to try the server.
Some Tests:
- get/set: ops can reach 11000+ (process such redis commands in a second.), set takes average 1.5ms and get takes average 1.8ms.
- lists: ops only can reach 4500+, lpush takes average 4.5ms and get takes average 7ms
Thanks for the idea and code from https://github.com/dotcloud/go-redis-server