This repository contains the source for the website. The Neovim core project is: Note that is served by (which previously crawled generated from this repository).
Just fork this repository and send us a pull request! :-)
This assumes that you already have a recent Ruby with RubyGems.
Install Bundler, either systemwide:
sudo gem install bundler
or for the current user:
export PATH="$(ruby -e 'print Gem.user_dir')/bin:$PATH"
gem install --user-install bundler
In the latter case, you might want to add the PATH
update to .bashrc
or your shell's equivalent.
To install the dependencies for this project only:
bundle config set --local path .bundle
# To _update_ deps, remove the lockfile.
# rm Gemfile.lock
bundle install
Execute the following command:
bundle exec jekyll serve --watch --livereload
Open http://localhost:4000 to view the website.
- Site search (for
docs) is served by Algolia Docsearch.- The javascript and UI container were setup in this commit.
- The docs pages don't use the jekyll layout so they also need to manually include the javascript and define a UI container.
- Admin:
© 2014 Cameron Eagans and Josh Branchaud
Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.