Showcase Distributed Tracing in Istio with Jaeger in Node.js applications
- Openshift 3.10 cluster with Istio. For local development, download the latest release from Maistra and run:
# Set oc to be the Maistra one
oc cluster up --enable="*,istio"
oc login -u system:admin
oc apply -f -n istio-operator
oc get pods -n istio-system -w
Wait until the openshift-ansible-istio-installer-job-xxxx
job has completed. It can take several minutes. The OpenShift console is available on
- Create a new project/namespace on the cluster. This is where your application will be deployed.
oc login -u system:admin
oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user admin developer --as=system:admin
oc adm policy add-scc-to-user anyuid -z default -n myproject
oc adm policy add-scc-to-user privileged -z default -n myproject
oc login -u developer -p developer
oc new-project <whatever valid project name you want> # not required
If the Example Application is installed through the Launcher and the Continuous Delivery flow, no additional steps are necessary.
Skip to the Use Cases section.
Create a new namespace/project:
oc new-project <whatever valid project name you want>
Run the following commands to apply and execute the OpenShift templates that will configure and deploy the applications:
find . | grep openshiftio | grep application | xargs -n 1 oc apply -f
oc new-app --template=nodejs-istio-tracing-redhat-greeting-service -p SOURCE_REPOSITORY_URL= -p SOURCE_REPOSITORY_REF=master -p SOURCE_REPOSITORY_DIR=greeting-service
oc new-app --template=nodejs-istio-tracing-redhat-cute-name-service -p SOURCE_REPOSITORY_URL= -p SOURCE_REPOSITORY_REF=master -p SOURCE_REPOSITORY_DIR=cute-name-service
Any steps issuing oc
commands require the user to have run oc login
first and switched to the appropriate project with oc project <project name>
- Create a Gateway and Virtual Service in Istio so that we can access the service within the Mesh:
oc apply -f istio-config/gateway.yaml
- Retrieve the URL for the Istio Ingress Gateway route, with the below command, and open it in a web browser.
echo http://$(oc get route istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{}{"\n"}' -n istio-system)/nodejs-istio-tracing-redhat
- The user will be presented with the web page of the Example Application
- Click the "Invoke" button. You should see a "cute" hello message appear in the result box.
- Follow the instructions in the webpage to access the Jaeger UI to view the application traces.