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Pulumi AWS API Gateway Component

The Pulumi AWS API Gateway library provides a Pulumi component that easily creates AWS API Gateway REST APIs. This component exposes the Crosswalk for AWS functionality documented in the Pulumi AWS API Gateway guide as a package available in all Pulumi languages.


This package is available in many languages in the standard packaging formats.

Node.js (JavaScript/TypeScript)

To use from JavaScript or TypeScript in Node.js, install using either npm:

npm install @pulumi/aws-apigateway

or yarn:

yarn add @pulumi/aws-apigateway


To use from Python, install using pip:

pip install pulumi-aws-apigateway


To use from Go, use go get to grab the latest version of the library

go get


To use from .NET, install using dotnet add package:

dotnet add package Pulumi.AwsApiGateway
