a nested-task-keeping tool
Most todo apps don't allow you to store tasks with more than one level of nesting. I feel like being able to do that unlocks new possibilities in accurately breaking down tasks into their smallest components.
I'd also like to explore a more focused view that allows users to view incomplete child tasks in a Kanban board.
I made this mostly as a testbed for React and k8s, so I can get some more practice with both in a public setting. But I've also always wanted a tool like this. It should be fun.
It can be deployed and has some functionality.
Until it's actually useful, I'll use GitHub Issues as the issue tracker.
open three terminals.
in the first terminal, get the frontend ready:
cd frontend
npm install
npm run start
you can visit it on port 3000, but it will probably break immediately. this is a good sign.
in the second terminal, get the backend ready:
cd backend
- install PostgreSQL and start it
- create a new database with
and switch to it with\c tasknest
- create a new role with
CREATE ROLE authenticator NOINHERIT LOGIN PASSWORD 'some-password';
- install sql-migrate with
go get -v github.com/rubenv/sql-migrate/...
must be present) and runsql-migrate up
- grant this role to a role called
withGRANT web_anon TO authenticator;
- install PostgREST and run it with
postgrest postgrest.dev.conf
test if it works on port 3001. feel free to also do psql -d tasknest < seeds/*
to seed the database.
in the last terminal, run nginx:
cd backend
nginx -p . -c nginx.dev.example.conf
the entire app should be available on port 3002.
do something similar to the above, but instead of running the frontend dev server, build a bundle and pass it off to your system nginx instance to serve.
not that this is currently advisable, because i'll probably move it to a k8s-based deployment method eventually.