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Releases: rpm-software-management/tito

Tito 0.6.27

11 Nov 20:29
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  • #507 - Defer submodule detection to git to prevent fails caused by empty .gitmodules file
  • Many improvements to tests and they now run during package build
  • #460 - Sometimes Tito-built packages have lower NVR than packages from the official repositories. This can now be prevented by
    new config option buildconfig.test_version_suffix. It can be used like this:
$ cat .tito/tito.props
test_version_suffix = .tito.git

Thank you @abn and @praiskup for contributing to this release.

PS: The release commit and tag were done by "unknown user". Sorry about that, it was me (@FrostyX), something messed up my ~/.gitconfig.

Tito 0.6.26

05 Mar 17:23
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  • Fix #492 - Version numbers are now being properly generated in the changelog again
  • Tito wrapper for easier development

Thank you @praiskup for contributing to this release.

Tito 0.6.25

28 Jan 14:25
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Branch aliases

#430 - The FedoraGitReleaser now supports branch aliases such as fedora-all, fedora-stable, fedora-latest, epel-all, etc. For the complete list of aliases and their explanations, see


releaser = tito.release.FedoraGitReleaser
branches = fedora-all epel-all

Building without .tito directory

#472 - It is now possible to take any git repository that contains a specfile and run tito build --srpm --test or tito build --rpm --test for building the packages. The repository doesn't have to be initialized with tito init.

This feature is limited to tito build and initializing a Tito repository still makes sense if you want access to any additional Tito features like tagging and releasing.

Notable changes

  • #428 - Document how to automate bodhi updates
  • Unify README and


  • #466 - Don't use --cacheonly on DNF5
  • #481 - Use rpm.ds instead of deprecated hdr.dsFromHeader
  • Use raw strings for regex patterns
  • Fix PEP8 issues found by
  • Replace egrep with grep -E

Tito 0.6.24

08 Jul 00:01
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  • #463 - Copy both source files and patch files declared in the spec
  • #461 - Fix UpstreamBuilder deprecation warning
  • #433 - Fix the license according to tito.spec

Thank you @arcivanov for contributing to this release.

Tito 0.6.23

13 Jun 17:16
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  • Use SPDX License
  • Don't upload .patch files into a DistGit lookaside cache, they should only be committed to git
  • Add Tito's mascot and writeup of the project history
  • Don't override packit.yaml in DistGit repository
  • Fix #454 - Replace submodule--helper list with git config --get-regexp
  • Fix #456 - Transitive submodule resolution

Thank you @xsuchy, @praiskup, @frenzymadness, and @arcivanov for contributing to this release.

Tito 0.6.22

14 Nov 00:15
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  • Fix python2 urlretrieve import
  • Fixed submodule archives concatenation
  • Fixed issue #414
  • Fixed issue #413
  • Revert 45d431a

Thank you @nikosmoum and @t0fik for contributing to this release.

Tito 0.6.21

21 Jul 08:56
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  • It is now possible to install tito from PyPI
  • Don't remove additional sources from DistGit when doing tito release
  • Fix #323 - MockBuilder works again, and can be configured in tito.props:
builder = tito.builder.MockBuilder

mock = fedora-rawhide-x86_64

Tito 0.6.20

23 Feb 11:56
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  • If failing because of unexpected binary files, we print them for easier debugging
  • When releasing to DistGit, the git config of the current project is considered (therefore allowing to use different than global name, email, etc)
  • Fix #194 - Mead builds are able to push different branches than master

Tito 0.6.19

15 Aug 20:44
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A minor bugfix release.

  • Fix RHBZ 1982135 - Drop unused urllib.request import

Tito 0.6.18

23 Jun 19:37
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  • New build option --fetch-sources to automatically download sources from predefined Source<N> addresses to the SOURCE folder.

Thank you @schlupov for contributing to this release.