Demo Concept: is working to bring to market a brokerage solution to unite buyers and sellers, eliminating the “middle man”, reducing costs, increasing transparency etc.
The business process flow is as follows….. A registered seller logs in via the browser or mobile app, defines an item which is then persisted into Ensemble/IDP via a REST service call. The REST code then passes the item for sale request to a Business Service, then of course to a Business Process, which in turn identifies potential registered buyers and notifies them via email that they have an item that they can bid on, and places an item on their worklist. From there the buyer can bid or reject the item for sale, and if bidding, places a Workflow item on the seller’s worklist. In turn the seller can accept the buyer’s bid or counterbid (placing an item back on the buyer’s worklist etc.). Email notifications are sent at each step in the workflow
A representative user interface is provided for demo purposes. This is supported by a RESTful API. This can be accessed at {server}/bestofferui. To Demo:
- On the Seller tab select 'Michael
- use 'Add Item' to create an item to bid on
- Go to the Seller tab and select 'Scott'. The other seller is not fully setup intentionally to show and error in the message trace
- The seller can put in a bid or respond to a counter bid by selecting the Bidding Task
- Buyer can respond to bids from the Bidding Tasks on the Seller tab
The prototype is functional, however the real impact was the relative complexity of the BPL and it’s integration with our Workflow framework, as well as the speed at which we (myself and the prospect) put this together over a series of one and two hour Webexes.
This needs to have git and docker installed.
Clone/git pull the repo into any local directory
$ git clone
Before doing docker-compose update the parameters for email access in BestOffer.Util.Utils.cls
Configure the Email adapter setting in the production and the email credentials under interoperability to allow the email notifications to be processed.
Before starting the container you may need to update the config.json file that is under the project folder bestoffer/assets. This JSON structure supplies the IP address and Port to use for the REST calls made by the bestofferui web application. THIS IS ONLY NECESSARY IF YOU CHANGE THE NETWORKING CONFIGURATION IN THE docker-compose.yml FILE OR IF USING DOCKER FOR MAC. see the docker networking section below.
The docker-compose.yml defines the network to be used by the container. Care needs to be taken that this does not conflict with anything in your network environment (including any VPNs you may routinely join). The current setting for Subnet is and the IP address of the container, ipv4_address, is, adjust as needed settings.
If the IP address is changes also change the configuration file for the Web-based User interface. This can be found at bestofferui/assets/config.json within the project folder.
Docker for MAC does not provide any ability to bridge to the Docker network. Therefore the ONLY way to access the container Web interfaces (SMP, REST, demo application) if via mapped ports and the localhost server reference. A mapped port of 4949 has been created for this purpose. For example use http://localhost:4949/bestofferui/ to access the demo application
Open the terminal in this directory and run or open VSCode in this directory, right click on the docker-compose.yml file and select 'Compose Up': $ docker-compose up -d --build
If the port number mapped in the docker-compose.yml is changed you will need to change the setting.json file. Find the property 'objectscript.conn.port' and update this. You will find this under the .vscode folder. If you don't see this you can go to File->Prefrences->Settings. Click on the Workspace tab then search for InterSystems. Configure all the setting here to connect VSCode to the instance running in the container.
This repository is ready to code in VSCode with ObjectScript plugin. Install VSCode and ObjectScript plugin and open the folder in VSCode.
The script in Installer.cls will import everything you place under /src into IRIS.
The simplest dockerfile to start IRIS and load ObjectScript from /src/cls folder Use the related docker-compose.yml to easily setup additional parametes like port number and where you map keys and host folders.
WebTerminal version 4.9.0 is part of this repository. Check for the latest version at before building the image.
To access the WebTerminal type "localhost:62773/terminal/ in a browser window (last slash '/' is required).
If you changed ports in the docker-compose.yml file reference your port in the URL
Settings file to let you immediatly code in VSCode with VSCode ObjectScript plugin)
Config file if you want to debug with VSCode ObjectScript