This repository provides a CLI-based Registration Authority application for demonstration and test purposes that implements the Lightweight CMP Profile. The generic CMP RA component is used as implementation of the core CMP Registration Authority (RA) functions.
This software is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
This prototypical code does not claim to have production quality but is meant for exploration and PoC use of the Lightweight CMP Profile. Some effort has been spent on software quality — for instance, static code analyzers (like SpotBugs), clean code concepts, and best practice recommendations in secure configuration are used. Nevertheless it is explicitly not guaranteed that all related functionality and hardening measures needed for productive software have been implemented. The development procedures and processes for proof-of-concept implementation are not sufficient to assure product-grade software quality. Therefore the code, scripts, and configuration of the PoC are provided 'as is' and can only serve as an example for developers.
- The Java SE Development Kit (JDK). The Lightweight CMP RA is now developed using JDK 11. It can be found at
- The Apache Maven tool. For details, documentation, and download see
- The GIT version control system. For details, documentation, and download see
On a Debian-like system the packages can be installed, e.g., using
sudo apt install adoptopenjdk-11-hotspot maven git
The code has been adapted to work with Java version 1.11 (at least). If also other versions of Java are installed on your system make sure that a suitable version is active, e.g., like this:
sudo update-alternatives --config java
You can verify the selected version using
java -version
This implementation uses the generic CMP RA component for CMP-related functions cryptographic operations. The component needs to be installed into the local maven repository:
git clone
cd cmp-ra-component
mvn clean install -DskipTests=true -Dgpg.skip
cd ..
git clone
cd LightweightCmpRa
mvn clean install
This includes running unit tests, which may also be invoked explicitly by
mvn test
In case the software has already been installed before, for updating it is sufficient to execute
git pull
mvn clean install -DskipTests=true -Dgpg.skip
in both directories.
Example YAML configuration files can be found at
and after installation also at target/test-classes
The RA can be started with one or more YAML configuration files as command line argument. Each YAML configuration file describes one RA instance to launch.
cd target/test-classes
java -jar ../LightweightCmpRa-x.y.z.jar <YAML/JSON configuration file>
, y
, and z
are the three parts of the version number.
If you use your IDE (e.g. Eclipse) to generate a "Runnable JAR file" it is recommended to have the required libraries in a subfolder and not packed with the generate JAR file.
This implementation uses the generic CMP RA component for CMP-related functions cryptographic operations.
The Simple Logging Facade for Java (SLF4J)
serves as a simple facade or abstraction for various logging frameworks
(e.g., java.util.logging
, logback
, log4j
If the
is used, full logging can be enabled by giving
as first command line option.
The Eclipse Californium is used for CoAP support.
The JUnit testing framework is used for implementing some tests.
The Java package
holds all classes and functions needed for YAML configuration parsing. -
The classes in
and its sub packages implement downstream transport protocol adapters towards the end entity (EE). -
The package
holds all classes and functions needed to implement offline downstream transport protocol adapters (e.g. to file system). -
The package
holds all classes and functions needed to implement online downstream transport protocol adapters (e.g. to CoAP and HTTP(s)). -
The classes in
and its sub-packages implement upstream transport protocol adapters towards the certificate authority (CA). -
The package
holds all classes and functions needed to implement offline upstream transport protocol adapters (e.g. to file system). -
The package
holds all classes and functions needed to implement online upstream transport protocol adapters (e.g. to HTTP(s)). -
Some utility functions are located in
. -
The package
holds the startup code. -
The JUnit tests are located in
. To setup the RA for the tests the configuration files incom.siemens.pki.lightweightcmpra.test.config
and the credentials incom.siemens.pki.lightweightcmpra.test.config.credentials
are used.
A README file describes structure, purpose and use of the test credentials.
A README file explains the YAML configuration file structure.
- HTTP transport
- HTTPS transport using certificates
- File-based transport
- CoAP transport
Due to a lack of public available implementations the "HTTPS transport using shared secrets" is not implemented.
An End Entity (EE) client implementation of the Lightweight CMP Profile based on OpenSSL with an high-level C API and a CLI is provided by the generic CMP client. The openssl-cmp manual page gives an overview of the functionality from CLI usage perspective.
Details about with other CMP implementations and reference message flows can be found in the Interoperability document
With JDK 11, revocation checking has some issues:
- A CRL provided as CRLDP extension is not always used in path validation for CMP and TLS trust chains.
- An OCSP AIA extension is not always used in path validation for TLS trust chains.
This repository provides a CLI-based CMP client application in Java for demonstration and test purposes that implements the Lightweight CMP Profile. Part of the generic CMP RA component is used as implementation of the core CMP CLient (EE) functions.
The CLI client needs a configuration file
given with a -c
or --configfile
It can invoke the following CMP transactions.
- certificate enrollment (option
) - certificate revocation using issuer and serial number from configuration (option
) - certificate revocation for a given certificate (option
) - get CA certificates (option
) - get a root CA certificate update (option
) - get certificate request template (option
) - CRL retrieval (option
Details on the available CLI options are described below.
Note that both the --configfile
and --certProfile
options can be used
to distinguish between the following.
- different CMP client credentials
- different CMP servers and access points
- different types of enrollement (i.e., IR, CR, and KUR)
- different types of certificates to be enrolled or revoked or to get revocation request templates or CRLs for
- different CAs to get certificates or root certificate updates for
usage: java -jar path/to/CmpClient.jar
-h,--help print help and exit.
-e,--enroll <arg> invoke a certificate
enrollment transaction; <arg>
is the file path and name
where the newly
enrolled certificate and the
corresponding private key will
be written in PEM format,
-R,--revoke invoke a revocation transaction
with data from configuration
-r,--revokecert <arg> invoke a revocation.
transaction; <arg> is the file
path and name of certificate
to revoke in PEM format
-a,--getCaCertificates <arg> invoke a Get CA certificates
GENM request, <arg> is the
file path and name of certificates
to write in PEM format.
-t,--getCertificateRequestTemplate <arg> invoke a Get certificate
request template GENM request,
<arg> is the file path and
name of the request template
to write in DER format.
-u,--getRootCaCertificateUpdate [<arg>] invoke a Get root CA
certificate update GENM
request; the optional <arg> is the
file path and name of
certificate to get an update
for in PEM format.
-l,--getCrls <arg> invoke a CRL Update Retrieval
GENM request; <arg> is the
file path and name of CRLs to
write in PEM format.
-c,--configfile <arg> <arg> is the path and name of
the CMP client configuration
file to use;
this option is mandatory.
-C,--configroot <arg> configuration root path
-p,--certProfile <arg> certProfile to use; optional
for all client commands.
-n,--enrollmentChain <arg> <arg> is the file path and
name to write the newly
enrolled certificate and its
chain (excluding the root
certifiate) in PEM format.
This option can be used in
conjunction with the -e option.
-k,--enrollmentKeystore <arg> <arg> is the file path and
name to write the enrolled
certificate, chain, and
private key in PKCS#12 format.
This option can be used in
conjunction with the -e option.
-w,--enrollmentKeystorePassword <arg> <arg> is the password to be
used for encrypting the
This option can be used in
conjunction with the -k option.
-W,--NewWithNew <arg> <arg> is the file path and
name of the new root CA
certificate to write in PEM format.
This option can be used in
conjunction with the -u option.
-N,--NewWithOld <arg> <arg> is the path and name of
the file to write any received
new root CA public key signed
with the old private root CA key.
This option can be used in
conjunction with the -u option.
-O,--OldWithNew <arg> <arg> is the path and name of
the file to write any received
certificate containing the old
root CA public key signed with
the new private root CA key.
This option can be used in
conjunction with the -u option.
-S,--serial <arg> <arg> is the serial number of
the certificate to revoke with
the -R option.
-I,--issuer <arg> <arg> can be the issuer of the
certificate to revoke with the
-R option; <arg> can
also be the issuer in
CRLSource to consult in
conjunction with the -l option.
-D,--dpn <arg> <arg> is the
DistributionPointName in
CRLSource to consult. This
option can be used in
conjunction with the -l option.
-U,--thisUpdate <arg> <arg> is the thisUpdate time
in CRLStatus of the most
recent CRL knowns by the client;
format is "yyyy-MM-dd" or "now".
This option can be used in
conjunction with the -l option.
-L,--oldCRL <arg> <arg> is the CRL for which an
update is requested; this is an
alternative to using the --issuer,
--dpn, and --thisUpdate options.
This option can be used in
conjunction with the -l option.
The lower part of the configuration README file explains the YAML configuration file structure.