Created by haimag
Thanks to Tal Davidson & Astyle
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Originally hosted at before Google Code EOL
iStyle [options] Foo.v B*r.v [...]
OR, use stdin/stdout
iStyle [options] <Foo.v >Foo_formatted.v
When indenting a specific file, the resulting indented file RETAINS the
original file-name. The original pre-indented file is renamed, with a
suffix of ".orig" added to the original filename.
By default, iStyle is set up to indent Verilog files, with 4 spaces per
indent, a maximal indentation of 40 spaces inside continuous statements,
and NO formatting.
Long options (starting with '--') must be written one at a time.
Short options (starting with '-') may be appended together.
Thus, -bps4 is the same as -b -p -s4.
ANSI style formatting/indenting.
Kernighan&Ritchie style formatting/indenting.
GNU style formatting/indenting.
-s OR -s# OR --indent=spaces=#
Indent using # spaces per indent. Not specifying #
will result in a default of 4 spaces per indent.
-t OR -t# OR --indent=tab=#
Indent using tab characters, assuming that each
tab is # spaces long. Not specifying # will result
in a default assumption of 4 spaces per tab.
-T# OR --force-indent=tab=#
Indent using tab characters, assuming that each
tab is # spaces long. Force tabs to be used in areas
iStyle would prefer to use spaces.
-B OR --indent-brackets
Add extra indentation to 'begin' and 'end' block brackets.
-G OR --indent-blocks
Add extra indentation entire blocks (including brackets).
-m# OR --min-conditional-indent=#
Indent a minimal # spaces in a continuous conditional
belonging to a conditional header.
-M# OR --max-instatement-indent=#
Indent a maximal # spaces in a continuous statement,
relatively to the previous line.
-E OR --fill-empty-lines
Fill empty lines with the white space of their
previous lines.
Indent multi-line #define statements
-b OR --brackets=break
Break brackets from pre-block code (i.e. ANSI C/C++ style).
-a OR --brackets=attach
Attach brackets to pre-block code (i.e. Java/K&R style).
-o OR --one-line=keep-statements
Don't break lines containing multiple statements into
multiple single-statement lines.
-O OR --one-line=keep-blocks
Don't break blocks residing completely on one line
-p OR --pad=oper
Insert space paddings around operators only.
Insert space paddings around parenthesies only.
-l OR --pad=block
Enclose one statement in a begin-end only for keyword if/else/while/for.
-P OR --pad=all
Insert space paddings around operators AND parenthesies.
Convert tabs to spaces.
Insert empty lines around unrelated blocks, labels, ...
Like --break-blocks, except also insert empty lines
around closing headers (e.g. 'else', ...).
Break 'else if()' statements into two different lines.
Append the suffix #### instead of '.orig' to original filename.
-n OR --suffix=none
Tells Astyle not to keep backups of the original source files.
WARNING: Use this option with care, as Astyle comes with NO WARRANTY...
-X OR --errors-to-standard-output
Print errors and help information to standard-output rather than
to standard-error.
-v OR --version
Print version number
-h OR -? OR --help
Print this help message
--options=#### OR --options=none
Parse used the specified options file: ####, options=none, none
parse options file, and not looks for parse options files
iStyle looks for a default options file in the following order:
1. The contents of the ISTYLE_OPTIONS environment
variable if it exists.
2. The file called .iStylerc in the directory pointed to by the
HOME environment variable ( i.e. $HOME/.iStylerc ).
3. The file called .iStylerc in the directory pointed to by the
HOMEPATH environment variable ( i.e. %HOMEPATH%\.iStylerc ).
If a default options file is found, the options in this file
will be parsed BEFORE the command-line options.
Options within the default option file may be written without
the preliminary '-' or '--'.