Automated JSON API documentation for API's built with Spring
Mar 18, 2024 - Java
The OAI Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) is an API using XML over HTTP to retrieve metadata about archived digital publications. It allows to get record updates in Dublin Core and other metadata formats. In contrast to RSS and ATOM Feeds, updates can also be selected by date.
Automated JSON API documentation for API's built with Spring
Command line OAI-PMH harvester and client with built-in cache.
Koa Router, based on OpenAPI, Swagger and Json Schema.
The official Docusign REST APIs Swagger Specifications
The goal of the SLA4OAI Specification is to promote an open specification for services level agreement over REST APIs which are defined via OpenAPI Specification.
This is a stand-alone OAI-PMH data provider. It serves records in any metadata format from directories of XML files using the directory name as metadata prefix, the filename as identifier and the filemtime as datestamp. 0-byte files are considered deleted records and handled accordingly. Resumption tokens are managed using files.
This repository contains a list of various service-specific Azure Landing Zone implementation options.
Various utilities to deal with metadata and content provided by the Berlin State Library/Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin
Recipe to build and run a 4G SDR eNodeB from OpenAirInterface code base.
Data and Code for 2015 VIVO Conference Presentation
Takes an OAI-PMH set feed from The Open Archives Initiative, converts the Dublin Core data to MARC21, and saves the output to the local machine for import into Alma, OCLC Connexion, MARCEdit, etc.
A fastapi wrapper of babca / python-gsmmodem for a waveshare sim7600x. Not an exact copy of the 'python-gsmmodem' so be sure to uninstall that lib or venv to run | Open-source Twilio with LLM batteries