An awesome list of Platform Engineering
- Concept 概念/术语
- Solution/project 解决方案/项目
- Conf/Event 会议/活动
- Community 社区
- Books 图书
- Team & People 团队与个人
- Channel/TAG 频道/标签
- Blog/Website 博客/站点
- Article 文章
- Chinese Article 中文文章
- Contribution 贡献
Glossary Repos:
- OAM One Application Model: An open model for defining cloud native apps.
- Argonaut Deploy apps and infrastructure on your cloud in minutes
- Mia Platform Don’t waste time setting up your platform, just push the code!
- Humanitec Powering your Internal Developer Platform
- Backstage An open platform for building developer portals | Software catalog and developer platform Demo
- Devtron An open source Internal Developer Platform for Kubernetes
- GetPort A No-Code Developer Portal Demo
- Roadie Roadie: SaaS Backstage. Simple, safe, and more powerful
- cycloid cycloid : Platform Engineering is DevOps with an action plan
- The platform for platform teams : Easily implement your vision for the perfect developer platform without having to build everything from scratch. We’re more than just a CI/CD pipeline. We’re an intelligent automation platform for all of your development workflows.
- Kratix Kratix is a framework for building Platform-as-a-Product
- Score One easy way to configure all your workload. Everywhere.
- KubeVela Make shipping applications more enjoyable.
- Qovery Deliver Self-Service Infrastructure Faster
- KusionStack Open Tech Stack to build self-service, collaborative, reliable and sustainable Internal Developer Platform.
- BACK Stack Build a Developer Platform in seconds: Backstage | Argo CD | Crossplane | Kyverno
- CNOE Cloud Native Operational Excellence | CNOE aims at helping platform engineers build their IDP platforms faster and in a more secure way with best practices built in
- PlatformCon
- PlatformCon 2022 Talks: Stories, Design, Tech, Culture about Platform
- PlatformCon 2023 Tracks: Stories, Tech, Blueprints, Culture, Impact
- HashiTalks
- PulumiUP
- Platform Engineering
- PECommunity 平台工程社区 GitHub
- InfoQ WeChat Group 微信群组:InfoQ平台工程技术交流群 (添加微信 nodexy 备注“平台工程交流”获邀加入)
- Team Topologies by Matthew Skelton and Manuel Pais was published in September 2019 by IT Revolution Press.
- Remote Team Interactions Workbook by Matthew Skelton and Manuel Pais will be published in January 2022 by IT Revolution Press
- Building Software Platforms
- InfoQ minibook The Platform Engineering Guide: Principles and Best Practices
- Insight eBook : Understanding Platform Engineering
- eBook : The Definitive Guide to Internal Developer Portals
- eBook : CircleCI - Why and how to build a platform team in your organization
- CNCF: Whitepaper on Platforms for Cloud Native Computing
- Platform Engineering on Kubernetes by Mauricio Salatino @salaboy Manning Publishing.
- Free Step-by-step tutorials on GitHub Tutorials translated in Chinese by @dustise
- Translations in Chinese will be available in early 2024 via
- eBook : Platform Engineering: What You Need to Know Now
- Build: Elements of an Effective Software Organization By Rebecca Murphey and Otto Hilska 2024.1.29
- Mia-Platform
- Humanitec
- zlifecycle
- AmbassadorLabs
- Devtron
- Salaboy
- Youtube Channel
- Twitter TAG
- Medium TAG
- InfoQ Topic
- Platform Tooling - Explore the right tools to build your Internal Developer Platform
- Platform tooling to build your Internal Developer Platform
- Curated list of tools and resources for Platform Engineering
- Platform Engineering
- Internal Developer Platform
- Resources about Internal Platform teams and products
- Mia-Platform
- Humanitec
- zlifecycle
- AmbassadorLabs
- Netflix Tech Blog
- Devtron
- Salaboy
- 2011-8-17 What is "Platform Engineering"?
- 2015-9-28 “Let a 1,000 Flowers Bloom. Then RIP 999 of them out by the roots” by Peter Seibel (Twitter)
- 2017-3-29 Platform engineering product teams in the ThoughtWorks Technology Radar
- 2017-7-6 Netflix Technology Blog: Netflix Platform Engineering — we’re just getting started
- 2018-3-5 What I Talk About When I Talk About Platforms(中文翻译)
- 2018-9-29 Kenichi Shibata : How to build a platform team now! the secrets to successful engineering
- 2019-4-5 The Platform Engineer of the Future
- 2019-4-12 Platform engineering 101
- 2020-2-13 SE Daily : The Rise of Platform Engineering
- 2020-8-13 Wichon (Luis Alonzo): Platform Engineering
- 2021-3-15 How to build an internal developer platform, from those who have done it
- 2021-3-28 Nicki Watt : Platform Engineering as a (Community) Service
- 2021-3-11 Ulrich Kautz : On the Value of Platform Engineering (下文有中文翻译)
- 2021-5-5 Introducing the Ambassador Developer Control Plane
- 2021-8-3 Team Liatrio What Is Platform Engineering? The Concept Behind the Term
- 2021-10-13 Loft Labs Checklist for Platform Engineers
- 2021-12-22 Engineering Your Organization: Services, Platforms, and Communities
- 2022-1-3 From Kubernetes to PaaS to Developer Control Planes
- 2022-2-24 The Rise of the Developer Control Plane and Why its Great for Developer Culture
- 2022-3-31 Is Platform Engineering the New DevOps or SRE?
- 2022-5-6 Luca Galante: DevOps vs. SRE vs. Platform Engineering? The gaps might be smaller than you think
- 2022-6-9 Seaplane: The Startup’s Guide to Platform Engineering
- 202206-10 PlatformCon2022:How Netflix unified their engineering experience with a federated platform console
- 2022-6-22 Zohar Einy: Platform Engineering: what is it and why do you need it?
- 2022-7-21 Lambros Charissis: Platform Engineering KPIs
- 2022-7-26 Mia-Platform: Platform Engineering 101: all you need to know to get started
- 2022-8-10 Gartner: What’s New in the 2022 Gartner Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies
- 2022-9-9 Cari Liebenberg How to Design an Internal Developer Platform
- 2022-9-21 Loft: Platform Engineering: The Definitive Guide
- 2022-9-22 Aeris Stewart:DevOps Is Dead. Embrace Platform Engineering
- 2022-9-28 Good Platform Engineering: What It Is and How to Make It Work For You Platform Engineering: Creating your Internal Developer Platform (Part 2)
- 2022-9-29 The Challenges of Platform Building on Top of Kubernetes 1/4 by salaboy
- 2022-10-3 The Challenges of Platform Building on Top of Kubernetes 2/4 by salaboy
- 2022-10-5 Gartner: What Is Platform Engineering?
- 2022-10-15 Romaric Philogène: The 10 Platform Engineering Tools To Use in 2022
- 2022-18-17 The Challenges of Platform Building on Top of Kubernetes 3/4 by salaboy
- 2022-10-18 Mia-Platform: Is Platform Engineering putting an end to DevOps and SRE?
- 2022-10-27 Internal Developer Platform (IDP) benefits and its key components
- 2022 zlifecycle : Platform Engineering: Using it to Gain Competitive Advantage
- 2022-11- 21 The Challenge of Cognitive Load in Platform Engineering: a Discussion with Paula Kennedy
- 2022-11-22 Randy Shoup (VP of Engineering and Chief Architect at eBay): Engineering Your Organization: Services, Platforms, and Communities
- 2022-11-24 Mia-Platform: The Internal Developer Platform Revolution: what every CTO should know
- 2022-10-28 The Challenges of Platform Building on Top of Kubernetes 4/4 by salaboy
- 2022-11-29 Platform Engineering:
- 2022-12-13 Daniel Bryant : Platform Engineering in 2023: Dev First, Collaboration and APIs
- 2022-12-14 Platform Engineering Needs a Prescriptive Roadmap: a Conversation with Nigel Kersten
- 2022-12-21 Platform Engineering is Not New and DevOps is Not Dead
- 2023-1-5 Humanitec:Luca Galante Platform engineering trends in 2023
- 2023-1-6 The 12 Platform Challenges - recap
- 2023-01-11 James Walker What Is Platform Engineering? Role, Principles & Benefits
- 2023-1-26 Internal Developer Portals Can Do More than You Think
- 2022-4-11 Announcing a white paper on Platforms for Cloud Native Computing
- 2023-4-12 Mia-Platform Team 7 core components of an Internal Developer Platform
- 2022-4-24 Platform as a Runtime (PaaR) - Beyond Platform Engineering
- 2023-7-19 How platform teams get stuff done
- 2023-11-22 How to Be an Effective Platform Engineering Team
- 2024-3-19 Measuring Developer Productivity via Humans
- 2021-5-8 翻译 谷歌、Netflix和亚马逊都说好的IDP是怎样炼成的? InfoWorld 英文原文
- 2021-6-1 Ulrich Kautz (翻译 Sambodhi): 论平台工程的价值
- 2022-2-11 建立云原生组织的8个要素
- 2022-8-25 InfoQ编译 : “扯淡的DevOps,我们开发者根本不想做运维!”
- 2022-10-11 InfoQ编译:DevOps已死,平台工程才是未来
- 2022-10-18 徐磊 聊聊平台工程
- 2022-10-21 朵晓东 蚂蚁规模化平台工程实践两年多,我们学到了什么
- 2022-10-22 软件工程的第一性原理
- 2022-10-25 软件架构解决之道:平台工程:微服务DevOps 进化还是花哨的重命名
- 2022-11-1 laofo 研发效能|DevOps 已死平台工程永存带来的焦虑
- 2022-11-14 纳海、孤弋@阿里云云原生: 关于平台工程的开发者工具链,你还想加点啥?
- 2023-01-03 翻译 平台工程中认知负荷的挑战
- 2023-01-04 K8S技术社区:平台工程解Kubernetes之痛
- 2023-01-13 翻译 DevOps 缺少定义,平台工程需要指导性路线图
- 2023-2-15 Thoughtworks 洞见:超越DevOps的平台工程:云计算背景下的平台战略和实施
- 2023-3-5 平台工程的 2023:助力云原生重构研发组织文化与组织架构
- 2023-3-11 翻译 Netflix 是如何利用联合平台控制台统一工程体验的
- 2023-3-01 InfoQ 专题:云原生趋势下的平台工程
- 2023-4-20 翻译 IDP内部开发者门户权威指南
- 2023-7-31 平台工程洞察:平台工程动态 MonthlyNews 2023-7
- 2023-8-31 平台工程洞察:平台工程动态 MonthlyNews 2023-8
- 2023-10-19 平台工程洞察:平台工程动态 Monthly News 2023-9
- 2023-11-16 平台工程洞察:平台工程动态 Monthly News 2023-10
- 2023-12-08 平台工程洞察:平台工程动态 Monthly News 2023-11
- 2024-1-11 平台工程洞察:平台工程动态 Monthly News 2023-12
- 2024-2-27 平台工程与SRE如何推进 DevOps
- 2024-3-6 Backstage的Spotify插件 Skill Exchange 概述
- 2024-3-13 CNCF platform WG: 平台术语表 v2
Welcome to contribute by issue & PR !